AGR Model Railway Store


Wills SS89 Point Rodding Kit – OO Gauge


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Availability: 5 in stock

Wills SS89  OO/HO Point Rodding Kit

Plastic Kit – Unmade

Brand: Wills
Part Number: SS89
Scale / Type: OO Scale

At last! Now modellers can recreate the familiar sight of point rodding alongside their trackwork with these two new scenic lineside kits. Until now the connection between the signal box and turnout has remained mysteriously invisible, but with these new items, replicating the real thing has become a possibility. The subject of point rodding can be a complex one, but our kits break down everything into the various components needed, and allows the modeller to choose a wide variety of configurations suitable for their specific track plan.

The main kit (SS89) contains the following components:

  • 14 x Crank Bases (choice of 3 heights)
  • 8 x Assorted Crank Arms
  • 2 x Compensators
  • 2 x Complete Facing Point Locks with Deflector Ramps
  • 1 Metre of Square Section Rodding with Mouled-in Supports
  • set of assembly notes

Kit SS90 is an extension kit, containing another two metres or so of square section rodding with supports. The parts should be glued together using a proprietary liquid poly cement, and the whole assembly is best fixed to the baseboard using an impact adhesive BEFORE ballasting the track. Although moulded in grey plastic, which represents the galvanised steel of the prototype, the modeller can add a little weathering to help it blend into the scene. The packaging includes a comprehensive set of assembly notes to help the modeller achieve a realistic model of this common prototype.

Weight 1 kg


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